Although it is already February, Toomai wants to wish everyone a happy 2016! This year marks our 9th year as an ensemble, and it is a time of significant change and progress for Toomai. We would like to reflect on 2015, as well as give an update on all the changes that 2016 brings!

In 2015, we joined the roster of Midori and Friends as part of their “Signature Concert Series.” This collaboration aligns well with Toomai’s mission, as both organizations are dedicated to bringing high quality interactive concerts into schools. Midori and Friends has projects in over 32 New York City schools–we are honored to be a part of this massive effort.

In other news, bassist Andrew Roitstein was named Senior Music Curriculum Specialist for Juilliard Global Ventures; through this project, Andrew has been creating a music curriculum that has already been piloted in 10 schools all over the world, and looks to expand in the fall of 2016.
Within the last six months, violinist Emilie-Anne Gendron has been playing solo and chamber music recitals in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Sweden, and the United States with Mattias Jacobsson Schulstad, Musicians from Marlboro, and the Momenta Quartet, among other amazing performers.
Please stay tuned for more updates as we plan new performances and educational projects in the year to come!